Friday, August 7, 2009

Bitsy's Beard Vlogs Again: Angel and Buffy Comic Reviews

Yes, gentle reader, 'tis I, the Beard. I have achieved sentience and, with follicle glee, have read Angel #24, Fallen Angel: Reborn #2, and Buffy # 27. What does this newly conscious facial hair make of the week's offerings? Why not watch for yourself to find out.

Bitsy's note: My beard's views do not necessarily reflect my own. Why must you slowly take over my face and, subsequently, my thoughts, beard? Help! This beard is gnawing at my very soul it's... oh, oh my god no... AIEEEE!

OM NOM NOM ...mmm... tasty soul. Nothing to see here, folks. This is the Beard, signing off.


Steph said...

I enjoy the beard and the fact this was filmed in your tub and I should probably mention that I think your shirt is rad.

Great reviews, I'm going to pic up the Buffy and Angel comics this weekend. I am really excited to read the Dru arc. (Yay Dru killing people!)

Dcubedandtothethoidpowa said...

Next time I'd enjoy viewing Bitsy's Beard vlogging in the nude. Work it, baby. Work it.

Classic Maiden said...

Great reviews! Can't wait till mine arrive here...

Anonymous said...

Show me what'cha workin' wit

Anonymous said...

Oh yes. Got a great idea. Make it a bi-monthly or monthly post. I feel Buffyfesters would be well served for their loyal viewership if Bitsy, Tara, and Michelle, in alternating fashion, did a vlog in the tub once or twice per month. I believe we would be well served if Tara and Michelle would wear a very nice, but also very skimpy, two-piece bikini. Set the camera at a 45 degree angle in relation to the tub and I'd be very happy. Bitsy could wear a nice thong and go shirtless during his vlogs.

Now if you really want to push the edge of the envelope and please your viewership, do these posts nude. Buffy journalism at it's finest. You could call each post, respectively, "Bathin' with Bitsy's Beard" or "Tubbin' with Tara" or "Moppin' it with Michelle" and so on.

Is this a great idea, or what....

Alex B.

Dalton the Hardcore Anarcho/Libertarian said...

Bitsy's Beard for Prez!

Alex B, you little pervert you....